SUB50A-700 series model
SUB50A-700 series model is an air-cooled Electro-Optically Q-switched DPSS 1064 nm laser delivering up to 50 mJ energy and 700 ps pulse duration at 20 Hz repetition rate. Laser design is based on short laser cavity direct pumping MO and power amplifiers with the VCSEL pump technology.

SUB300T series model
SUB300T series model is a water-cooled Electro-Optically Q-switched DPSS laser, which have electronically tunable pulse duration ranging 350…2000 ps. Laser delivers up to 300 mJ energy at 1064nm wavelengths at 50 Hz repetition rate. Laser design comprising short cavity MO-PA in conjunction with power amplifiers based on long lasting VCSEL pump technology.

SUB-Nanosecond E-O Q-Switched Laser
The SUB-1000 model is a water-cooled Electro-Optically Q-switched laser, which have ≈ 0.5 ns pulse duration and three modes of operation: Low energy Pilot mode and High energy mode. In High Energy mode laser delivers up to 1000 mJ energy at 1064 nm wavelength and up to 500 mJ at second harmonic.

SUB-S series model
SUB-S series model (SBS-pulse compressed) is a family of compact DPSS or/and flash lamp pumped Nd:YAG or Nd:YLF lasers producing emissions in the sub-nanosecond regime (0.5…0.1ns). Lasers are based on temporal pulse compression by backward stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS).