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Chemistry set to mix best working developer and bleach for Silver Halide photomaterial. We have tested a lot of processing solutions for the best development of photomaterials we are supplying. Our research result is now available for everyone. You can obtain necessary chemicals from your local supplier, or you can order the set of dry chemicals below. The set contains enough chemicals to mix 0.5 liter of developer and 0.5 liter of bleach. Note: Prices on this website are without VAT – i.e. if you are living outside EU or have valid VAT payee ID, you will pay the price indicated here. Otherwise, as well as for Lithuanian companies, 21% VAT will be added.


Set of chemicals for holographic plates processing

This set is designed for all Geola’s Silver Halide photomaterials.
Set consists of dry chemicals to mix 0.5 liter of SM-6 developer and 0.5 liter of PBU-Amidol bleach.

SM-6 Developer
Sodium Hydroxide6gNaOH
Ascorbic Acid9gC6H8O6
Sodium Phosphate (dibasic)
if 12H2O
Waterto 0.5LH2O
PBU-Amidol bleach
Potassium Persulphate5gK2S2O8
Citric Acid25gC6H8O7
Cupric Bromide0.5gCuBr2
Potassium Bromide10gKBr
Waterto 0.5LH2O

Download processing instructions here.

Processing power

Chemical set enables one to process 0.5 square meter of the Silver Halide photomaterial (VRP-M, PFG-01, PFG-03M, PFG-03C, GEO-03).


The developer solution remains developing properties while stored for three days. Bleaching solution can be stored for about one week.

Processing even one plate in the developing and bleaching solutions noticeably reduce their lifetime to 24-48 hours.

All solutions should be stored in the closed dark glass or non-active dark plastic bottles. You can store them in a room temperature, but it is better to store them in the refrigerator at +5 degrees Celsius.

Work with chemicals

It is important to follow good laboratory practice while processing the photomaterials. The chemicals included in Geola’s set are not poisonous, however, please wipe up any spillage as soon as it occurs and use the polythene gloves. Download safety instructions here.