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Nonlinear Crystal Oven


Nonlinear crystal (NLC) materials which are used in higher laser frequency generation requires phase matching to be kept in stable temperature conditions, therefore crystal holder plays key part in this role. To avoid temperature drift, issues with water absorption for hygroscopic crystals, temperature of NLC needs to be controlled by a stable crystal oven.

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The Digital Thermo Control (DTC) nonlinear crystal oven models DTC-A, DTC-B, DTC-C and DTC-HT have excellent heating stability of +/- 0.1ºC in temperature range 30–71ºC.

The DTC–A model ovens has mechanical structure designed for crystals with apertures 2×2, 3×3, 4×4, 5x5mm.

The DTC-B specified for crystals with apertures 6×6, 8×8, 10×10, 12×12 and 15x15mm.

Larger aperture size nonlinear crystals are supported by DTC-C oven.

The new DTC-HT model designed for high temperature (up to 220°C) NCPM application. The standard model accepts crystals for up to 22×22 mm apertures and up to 50 mm in length.

On request we can manufacture ovens for crystals with aperture up to 60×60 mm or even larger. Each oven model is optimized for best performance at up to specified crystal aperture sizes.

Example of DTC-HT application:
LBO Type I NCPM SHG @ 1064 nm (θ=90°, φ=0°), T = 149 °C

Temperature settings are stored in internal memory of thermo controller and can be easily changed via USB cable inside Geola ThermoTool software provided together with DTC oven. After temperature is set and DC 24V power supply is applied, oven works in completely autonomous regime, DTC doesn’t require any cable connection with PC.

Typical Specifications*

Temperature stability / precision± 0.1 °C / 0.1 °C
Preset temperature range25…71 °C25…220 °C
Celsius (C) and Fahrenheit (F) scalesCC & F
Warm-up Time Control (°/min)Yes
Parameters setting typePCPC & Knob
Default angle adjustment tilt1≥ ± 3 deg
Crystal aperture size2, mm2×2
Maximal crystal length3up to 50 mm
Optical windowYes, 3mm
Maximal oven dimensions (W x H x D), mmPlease see typical drawing below
Power supply / Control interface (PC)24 V DC / USB
* Specifications marked ‘typical’ are indications of typical performance and will vary with each unit we manufacture.
1 Other adjustment angles are available on request
2 The non-standard crystal sizes and custom DTC modifications are welcome.
3 The non-standard crystal length and custom DTC modifications are welcome.

The DTC control software view

Ordering information

DTC-A type crystal oven

DTC-A type crystal oven
DTC-A with Geola XY Mount drawing
DTC-A with Geola XY Mount drawing
DTC-A with kinematic XY Mount drawing
DTC-A with kinematic XY Mount drawing

DTC-B type crystal oven

DTC-B type crystal oven
DTC-B type crystal oven
Double DTC-B with Geola XY Mount drawing
Single DTC-B with kinematic XY Mount drawing
Single DTC-B with kinematic XY Mount drawing

DTC-C type crystal oven with Geola X Mount

DTC-HT type crystal oven with kinematic Mount

DTC-HT type crystal oven
DTC-HT type crystal oven drawing

DTC-HT Control Software

DTC-HT control software